Debuting in 1988 with their album "Patriotic Voice", Arresting Officers were the first American Oi! band to bring balls, and melody to a microphone. Yes, you can say that they were right-wing, and in some cases racist, but there has not been an American Oi! band that hasn't in someway, ripped-off a little bit of Arresting Officers in their sound. Rock-O-Rama released both full length albums, "Patriotic Voice" and later, "Land and Heritage". They were also feature on a compilation that featured Skrewdriver, Brutal Attack, and Young Blood. After Arresting Officers called it quits in 1991, the members went on to form the bands Limecell and Sons of Liberty who would end up releasing a split 7' together, of one Arresting Officers cover each. The band Storm Officers was formed as well, which was members of "Arresting Officers" and Stormwatch.


Patriotic Voice (Rock-O-Rama 1988)

01. Evil has landed
02. Deserve
03. Left out
04. Slum river
05. Get the reds out
06. Disorderly conduct
07. Falling to bits
08. Dont you wish
09. Disarm never
10. Stars and stripes
11. Little terrors
12. Changing of the
Land and Heritage (Rock-O-Rama 1990)

01. Victory in our time
02. Celtic cross
03. Working class patriot
04. Lone wolf
05. Another blackout
06. Terrorist bombs
07. Your money or your life
08. Shes a warrior
09. Defend us in battle
10. The hammer and the raven
11. Stop red action
12. United skins for victory
Limecell/Sons of Libery - Arresting Officers Tribute Split (Dim Records 2005

01. Limecell - Evil has landed (Arresting officers cover)
02. Sons of liberty - Slum river (Arresting officers cover)
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