Coup de Masse is a current Oi! band from Montreal, CA. If you are a fan of French Oi! then this is a band for you. It is very easy to tell they are fans of bands like Brutal Combat, Trouble Makers, West Side Boys, and other French speaking classics. They recently put out an album on Pure-Impact Records entitled "Mourir pour Viver" which is set to turn some heads. They also did a split with "Crane de Fer", put out an earlier album entitled "Macule de Sang..." aswell as being feature on "Bords De Seine Promo Vol. 2" compilation in 2008. Coup De Masse also shares members with the band Bootprint and No Allience.
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2.Coup de masse
3.Notre monde
4.L'amour de la Oi!
5.Le navire
6.Mourir pour vivre
7.Ces années perdues
8.Glorieux combat
9.Je recouds les morceaux
10.Larme de sang
11.Cri d'alerte
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