What's you name, age, what do you do in Donar's Groll, and what do you do for work?
I´m Miesl, the singer and lead guitar player of Donars Groll. I´m 27 years old and a kid from the working class haha!
Can you give a quick history of the band?
We started in 2004! I’m the last original member today. We have released 3 CDs and played many gigs. We will keep working hard through the future.
I do not have the new album yet, but I'm a big fan of your first album. How are the albums different?
The difference? I think the new album is much better haha! The biggest difference is the line-up and this is the reason for the more modern, and better sound, and it’s the first album with me on vocals. Buy it and decide for yourself!
You released the new Album on "Mother Fucking Sounds" instead of "Pure Impact Records". Why the change?
We like to work with different people. There is no special reason for this change. We are satisfied with both labels.
You are one of the only Viking Rock bands out right now in the Skinhead and Oi! scene. Why do you think that is?
hmm...I don’t know. I wish there could be more of these bands today.
What are your to 5 favorite bands?
Oh it’s difficult... I like lots of Bands like Ultima Thule, Enhärjarna, Discharger etc.
What band did not get enough credit while they were around?
What current bands into?
Donars Groll haha!!! That’s a difficult question. There are so many bands with a great sound and not enough credit.
What are your thought on;
R.A.C.: we like the old style
Drugs: Sex, beer and music are the only drugs for us haha!
Odinism: Our culture!
SHARP's: No thanks!
America: We want to visit America and play for our supporters there
Will you be attending Live and Loud? What band are you most excited to see?
Maybe we will visit it. There are great bands this year. We have played gigs with Endstufe and Steelcapped Strenght in the past. So we saw those bands in the past.
Any last words, thanks, shout outs?
Thank you for this interview and good luck to you! Cheers to all people who like our music! Oi!
Heidenlärm ("Demo" 2006)

Gegen den Strom (Pure Impact Records 2008)

1.Eine neue zeit
2.See the valkyries
4.Wir bleiben frei
5.Eiris sazun idisi...
6.Unsere heimat
8.Gegen den strom
9.Allvater Odin
10.Die wilde jagd
11.Hammer of Thor
Von Liebe, Hass und alten Riten (MFS 2010)

2.Zum siegen geboren
3.Merseburger zauberspruch
4.Deine träume
5.You are the girl
6.Zeit des verfalls
7.Raben am himmel
8.All unser stolz
9.Ewige Asatru
10.Rebel song
You can keep up with and listen to Donars Groll at: www.myspace.com/donarsgroll
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