1. What's yous name, what do you play, and how did “Brassic” start out?
Well i'm mongo, the singer and bassist of Brassic. We started out in the beginning of 2008. We went through some trouble with finding a solid guitarist untill Clyde joined in the summer of 08. Originally, we had a british singer, who was the one that came up with the band name. Due to immigration issues he had to move back to england so i took over duties on the mic

2. What do you all do for work?
Skinner, our drummer works at UPS throwing boxes around. Clyde works at a law firm fighting 'da man' and i work fulltime in the national guard as a blackhawk mechanic.
3. We’ve been hearing about a full length album for some time now. When can we expect it out?
Well i believe one more trip to the studio should wrap up the album. It looks like it's only going to be a ten track album now, but that might change. Hopefully by the end of this summer it'll be released. It should be worth the wait. American oi has yet to see what we have in stored.
4. What are some of the subject matters we can expect from “Brassic”?
Well the lyrics are real diverse. Some songs like "benders" are out right straight to the point. Other songs such as "Infestation", in my opinion are more generalized so you can have your own interpetation of it. We cover a wide spectrum of topics. From my gripes about today's dying skinhead scene, to the bullshit politics the media seems to be forcefeeding us today. I'm sure to offend just about everyone though, you can count on that haha
5. You’re from southern California, which has a reputation for harboring a big WP skinhead scene. How does “Brassic” fit in with being a skinhead band in southern California?
haha, funny part about that is LA has no white people... let alone a WP scene. Orange County however, has a huge WP and right wing scene. They're on their own sheet of music though. Not too many real skinheads... more prison nazi's and drugged up retards. The funny part about that scene is, they're more accepting to people of other races than the SHARPS. The SHARPS around the LA area are pure mexican and more anti white, than anti WP. They all brand us as white power, although our drummer is fully mexican... And the OC guys tend to accept for the most part. Fuck them all is what i say!
6. What do you think about the S.H.A.R.P. skinhead scene in America?
The sharp scene is just silly. Today it's just fueled by internet fat fucking retards with no values or real connection to the skinhead scene. For example, there's a huge sharp gang here in the LA area, but we say they only exist when there's more than five of them at a certain place. If they don't have numbers with them, they don't claim to be anything. Sharp has always been silly to me. I think we all know what oi! is, and what it started out to be at this point...
7. You just got back from doing some shows in Brazil. How was it set up, and how were the shows?
The shows were amazing. It's good to know some countries still keep the skinhead scene pure from idiots... well for the most part. The skinheads down there were all right wing and stuck together. Much like how i think it should be in general. They don't understand all the bullshit we go through, and again they are spoiled with a good scene. The shows came about by us acting on our itch to play there. We heard about an Endstufe gig there last year and decided to get in contact with the people that put on that show. Possibly our best decision as a band yet! We're slowly in talks for putting on a HUGE international gig there in 2014 when the world cup is going on...

8. How are your shows in the States? What kinds of people come out to support you?
Well, we get a good mix of people. A lot of older punks, right wing skinheads and rockasillies tend to make it out. We play some violent oi! so i try to put on a comedy routine inbetween songs.... i've been known to rant on about jim beam and end up drinking several shirly temples while on stage... And of course our viking helmets have been known to come out as well. I deny all accusations of playing in a german beer girl dress and wig....

9. When did you start getting into the Oi!? What Oi! bands really moved you into making music?
I got into oi! as a teenager. Growing up in southern california punk rock was easily accessible so i was into that scene and sort of migrated over into oi. I grew up in a working class family so the values were already sort of inbeded in me. Now the music to me is hard for most people to understand. I love the aggression of oi! Bands that really got me going were the 4skins, Skrewdriver, Blitz and the Business. I think Skrewdriver was the biggest influence in starting a skinhead band overall, them and Brutal Attack
10. What are you top 5 favorite bands?
Brutal Attack
Arresting Officers
Condemned 84
11. 5 top albums?
Brutal Attack - As the Drum Beats
Skullhead - White Warrior
Skrewdriver - Boots & Braces/Voice of Britain (although it's a comp and not really an album)
Condemed 84 - No one likes us... We don't Care
Brutal Attack - Stronger Than Before
12. 5 top songs? (this one's tough...)
Brutal Attack - Return of St. George
Skullhead - Townmoor Festival
Condemned 84 - Here They Come Again
Brutal Attack - Under the Hammer
Skrewdriver - Back with a Bang
13. Are there any bands that you think got over looked in the past or didn’t get enough credit while they were around?
Sure, there are loads. I don't think Arresting Officers got much credit while they were around.. but now seem to have blown up. I think the Subway Thugs were amazing as well.
14. What are some current or new bands you are into from the Oi! scene?
Code 1 has me hooked with their full length. Alternate Action is pretty solid as well. On File isn't really new, but their new album is awesome haha. Lately i've had Les Villians on my speakers. Sad to say america is lacking in the oi! scene with the exception of three bands...
15. Do you think America has a good Oi! scene or, do you think other countries have better bands coming out as of resent.
Oh i think europe has way more solid bands than we do. Shit, even canada has more oi bands than us. We've always lacked in the oi! department though so that's no surprise to me. Belguim seems to be pumping out bands like crazy right now though.
16. Do you have any other big plans for the wrest of 2010?
Well, we plan on bring OI! back to OC late this year with an international gig. As soon as certain bands confirm i'll give out more information about it. We're in talks of playing chicago with teh Wes Side boys later this year as well. Also we'll be releasing a live album with B.D.C. from brazil, as well as a 7" with those guys on Hostile Class Records.

17. Any last words, thanks, or shout outs?
well thanks for the interview, we really appreciate it. keep up the good work and keep oi alive! Cheers to all the BSB an SP skins of Brazil! As well as all the Serbian skins! KOSOVO IS SERBIA!
For more info on Brassic, check out:
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